What is AR and VR ?

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AR stands for Augmented Reality and VR stands for Virtual Reality. They are both technologies that allow users to experience digital environments in different ways.

AR stands for Augmented Reality, which is a technology that overlays digital information onto the real world, typically using a smartphone camera or other device with a camera. AR can be used to enhance the user’s perception of the physical world by adding digital information such as text, graphics, or 3D objects that appear to be part of the real environment.

VR stands for Virtual Reality, which is a technology that uses computer-generated simulations to create an immersive, three-dimensional experience for the user. It typically involves the use of a headset or other wearable device that displays digital images in front of the user’s eyes, and often includes motion tracking and other sensory inputs to enhance the experience.

Both AR and VR have a range of potential applications in areas such as entertainment, education, healthcare, and industrial design. AR can be used to provide users with real-time information in a variety of contexts, while VR can be used to simulate environments that would be difficult or impossible to experience in real life.


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