What is the difference between HCI and UX ?

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HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) and UX (User Experience) are related but distinct fields of study. HCI is a broader field that encompasses the design, development, and evaluation of computer systems, software, and applications, with a focus on how humans interact with technology.

UX, on the other hand, is a subfield of HCI that specifically focuses on the user’s overall experience when interacting with a system or application. UX encompasses a wide range of factors, including usability, aesthetics, accessibility, and user satisfaction. It is concerned with creating a positive and engaging experience for the user, and is often evaluated through methods such as user testing and surveys.

In essence, HCI focuses on the design and development of the system or application, while UX focuses on the user’s experience of interacting with that system or application. HCI is a broader and more theoretical field, while UX is a more practical and hands-on approach to designing for user experience.

That being said, HCI and UX are closely related, and both are important for creating effective and user-friendly computer systems and applications. Good HCI design is essential for creating a solid foundation for UX design, and good UX design can help ensure that the system or application is effective and engaging for users.


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