What is the Purpose & Used of Artificial Intelligence?

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What is the Purpose of Artificial Intelligence?

The purpose of Artificial Intelligence is to aid human capabilities and help us make advanced decisions with far-reaching consequences. That’s the answer from a technical standpoint. From a philosophical perspective, Artificial Intelligence has the potential to help humans live more meaningful lives devoid of hard labor, and help manage the complex web of interconnected individuals, companies, states and nations to function in a manner that’s beneficial to all of humanity.
Currently, the purpose of Artificial Intelligence is shared by all the different tools and techniques that we’ve invented over the past thousand years – to simplify human effort, and to help us make better decisions. Artificial Intelligence has also been touted as our Final Invention, a creation that would invent ground-breaking tools and services that would exponentially change how we lead our lives, by hopefully removing strife, inequality and human suffering.
That’s all in the far future though – we’re still a long way from those kinds of outcomes. Currently, Artificial Intelligence is being used mostly by companies to improve their process efficiencies, automate resource-heavy tasks, and make business predictions based on hard data rather than gut feelings. As all technology has come before this, the research and development costs need to be subsidized by corporations and government agencies before it becomes accessible to everyday laymen.

Where is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Used?

AI is used in different domains to give insights into user behavior and give recommendations based on the data. For example, Google’s predictive search algorithm used past user data to predict what a user would type next in the search bar. Netflix uses past user data to recommend what movie a user might want to see next, making the user hooked onto the platform and increasing watch time. Facebook uses past data of the users to automatically give suggestions to tag your friends, based on the facial features in their images. AI is used everywhere by large organizations to make an end user’s life simpler. The uses of Artificial Intelligence would broadly fall under the data processing category, which would include the following:

  • Searching within data, and optimizing the search to give the most relevant results
  • Logic-chains for if-then reasoning, that can be applied to execute a string of commands based on parameters
  • Pattern-detection to identify significant patterns in large data set for unique insights
  • Applied probabilistic models for predicting future outcomes

#Purpose #Used #ArtificialIntelligence

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